QS Global Top 200 Business Schools Rankings

QS (or Quacquarelli Symonds) is an international education and career group who are best known for putting on global MBA tours. The main offices for QS are in London, Paris, and Singapore. QS offers more of an overall global view of MBA programs than other organizations based in the United States.

QS publishes a list of the Top 200 Global Business Schools. The rankings are determined through employer surveys. Employers from across the globe (604 companies participated in the 2008/09 survey) participated.

Regional Distribution of Responding Recruiters 2008

Source: QS Global 200 Business Schools 2009: The Employers’ Choice
To determine the rankings, employers are first asked to identify MBA programs from which they have attempted to recruit MBA grads. Each time a school is listed, the MBA program is credited with one point. Employers are also prompted to list the schools they find attractive for recruiting MBA students, from a list of 400 MBA programs. Again, each time a school is listed, it receives one point. School rankings are broken down by region.

Canadian MBA School Rankings
Canada is included in the North America region, so its rankings are relative to both US and Canadian schools. Canadian schools are ranked by QS as follows:

Queens - 23
HEC Montreal - 28
McGill - 31

Global Top 200 MBA Programs - Analysis
It is important to point out that the QS MBA rankings are based on employer lists of both self-identified MBA programs where MBA recruiting has taken place and from employer selection of MBA programs they would consider recruiting students from. Obviously, this will favour the larger schools where bigger class sizes make it more favourable for recruiters.

That being said, these rankings do give a good idea of how well known and popular Canadian MBA programs are to employers both within North America and around the world. Ivey and Queens are both very aggressive in promoting their students to employers, so its not surprising that they are high on the list. It is somewhat surprising to HEC Montreal ranked ahead of both U of T and McGill, however I would venture that which both English and French programs, HEC Montreal scores high with European and Global employers.

The most surprising result is how poorly Schulich scores, compared to virtually all of the other schools across Canada. With a size advantage over a lot of other schools and a prominent location, I would expect Schulich to rank higher. Clearly, this should be an area of concern for Schulich.


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