MBA Application Deadlines

One interesting thing about MBA programs across Canada is the different approaches they take to admission deadlines. Some schools have numerous rounds where a certain number of people will be admitted at specific dates throughout the year, while others have a rolling admissions process with one official deadline.

Of course, most schools will be happy to admit well qualified applicants after the deadline, they even leave a few places unfilled for such late applicants. It would be interesting to see just how many applicants each school will take after their official deadline, although I'd imagine that would be somewhat indicative of how many applicants they've had and whether or not they are prepared to lower their admission standards. I suspect most schools would rather keep that information private.

A quick summary of admission deadlines for select programs in Canada is below.

University of Toronto - Rotman MBA Application Deadline
April 30th, with two early admissions deadlines of November 15th and February 1st

Ivey MBA Application Deadline (University of Western Ontario)
Round 1 - September 1st
Round 2 - November 5th
Round 3 - January 7th
Round 4 - April 7th
Round 5 - June 2nd

Queens MBA Application Deadline
Round 1 - November 15th
Round 2 - February 1st
Round 3 - March 15th

University of Alberta MBA Application Deadline
International Applicants (China & Nigeria) - March 31st
All Other Applicants - April 30th

McGill MBA Application Deadline
March 15th

Schulich MBA Application Deadline (York University)
International Applicants - February 1st
North American Applicants - May 1st

Sauder MBA Application Deadline (University of British Columbia)
International Applicants - February 28th
North American Applicants - April 30th
