Financial Times MBA Rankings 2010

The latest Financial Times rankings will be released on January 25th, 2010. The FT rankings are the most widely anticipated rankings around the world. The rankings are based on a number of different areas including graduate surveys, salary information, and faculty research. The complete methodology for the rankings is available through the Financial Times. 5 Canadian schools made the previous Financial Times list.

I've previously posted a breakdown of how Canadian schools have historically performed in each area:

FT MBA Rankings Summary 1
FT MBA Rankings Summary 2

FT MBA Rankings Summary 3

As always, a number of Canadian schools will be watching the rankings closely. Internationally, the global economic slowdown will likely have had some effect on the overall salary figures reported by schools (especially the finance heavy MBA programs). The effects were not as well noted in the 2009 rankings as the alumni surveys were undertaken during Fall 2008 as the slowdown was beginning to take affect. Which schools will benefit in the rankings and which ones will be hurt ... check back on Monday to find out. The Canadian schools to keep an eye on include:

University of Toronto (Rotman)
University of Western Ontario (Ivey)
York University (Schulich)
University of British Columbia (Sauder)
University of Alberta


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