McGill took a huge drop in the 2007 Financial Times MBA Rankings, sinking 46 spots from 44th to 90th overall. The funny thing, however, is that compared to 2006, McGill hasn't dropped off substantially in any one category. Salary figures are still around the $88,000 mark, although the salary increase percentage has fallen from 110% down to 87%.
The Value for Money ranking (return based on program and opportunity cost) has always been a strong point for McGill and in 2007 they ranked 14th overall, compared to 4th overall in 2006.
The one area where McGills ranking dropped at a comparable rate to their overall ranking was career progress - dropping from 48th down to 77th. Overall it would appear as though while other schools were getting stronger and more recognition for their alumni, McGill seems to be staying the course.
McGill FT MBA Ranking 2008
McGill will certainly be hoping for a quick turnaround in the annual rankings. Again, as with all Canadian schools, you would expect the salary figures to increase somewhat, although with McGill being an international student school, perhaps they won't have as dramatic an increase as other schools in Canada. Whether 2007 was simple a bad graduating class relative to previous years, or the beginning of trend, will determine how McGill ranks in 2008.
McGill FT MBA Rankings 2003-2007
2007 - 90
2006 - 44
2005 - 39
2004 - 39
2003 - 37
McGill MBA Program
Updated - FT 2009 MBA Rankings
The Value for Money ranking (return based on program and opportunity cost) has always been a strong point for McGill and in 2007 they ranked 14th overall, compared to 4th overall in 2006.
The one area where McGills ranking dropped at a comparable rate to their overall ranking was career progress - dropping from 48th down to 77th. Overall it would appear as though while other schools were getting stronger and more recognition for their alumni, McGill seems to be staying the course.
McGill FT MBA Ranking 2008
McGill will certainly be hoping for a quick turnaround in the annual rankings. Again, as with all Canadian schools, you would expect the salary figures to increase somewhat, although with McGill being an international student school, perhaps they won't have as dramatic an increase as other schools in Canada. Whether 2007 was simple a bad graduating class relative to previous years, or the beginning of trend, will determine how McGill ranks in 2008.
McGill FT MBA Rankings 2003-2007
2007 - 90
2006 - 44
2005 - 39
2004 - 39
2003 - 37
McGill MBA Program
Updated - FT 2009 MBA Rankings