Ivey MBA Blog

Master's of Business Administration Blogs

I stumbled across the following blog put out by members of the Ivey MBA class:


Marks a bit of an interesting trend among MBA schools. I've noticed a number of the American schools putting more money and effort into attracting students through various mediums, but this marks the first main effort from a Canadian School that I've come across using a larger un-moderated student blog about the program. Unlike some other school blogs, this one appears to focus on some of the recruiting aspects rather than just an explanation of student life.

As an impartial third party, I'll be the first to question whether the students are running the blog on their own initiative to help boost the reputation of the school, or whether Ivey has encouraged the students to publish the blog. Either way, I'd imagine that we'll be seeing a number of other schools coming out with something similar.


Anonymous said…
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